News & Legal Advice

Safe working for companies and staff

Published - May 13, 2020

The Government’s loosening of the current lockdown rules is said to encourage as many people as possible to return to work if they are able, it is safe to do so and they are unable to work from home.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have issued safe working guidance for employers, workers, representatives, and those who are self-employed and work with or near other people. The guidance is designed to help all work safely and control the risks associated with running a business at this time. The guidance can be found at:…/asse…/docs/working-safely-guide.pdf

The risk to public health caused by COVID-19 is well documented and businesses will be required to strictly adhere to the recommended guidance. Where HSE identifies employers who are not taking action to comply, they will consider taking a range of actions.

Foster & Coleman are here to provide expert advice to individuals and businesses who fall foul of health and safety regulations. Should you find yourself in this unfortunate position, it is vital that you seek the best possible assistance at the earliest point. We are ready to help.

Posted in Employment Law, Health and Safety Defence on May 13, 2020